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Health Life News
22 juillet 2011

Pain in Lower Right Abdomen

In abdominal pain can be a pain, or pain in the entire region around the origin and spread of containing a specific region. For ease of reference, the abdominal imaginarily is divided into four quadrants, in discussing these pain. Four quadrant includes upper left, right and lower left, right side. In the lower right corner of the abdominal region of the pain can be caused by many reasons. Have a good scores, can be expressed with different underlying causes of understanding, will help to remedy pain, with or without medical assistance terms and conditions.

Right lower quadrant abdominal pain symptoms

Different abdominal pain causes associated symptoms include constipation, abdominal bloating, gas accumulation is overmuch, vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite, bloody diarrhea and have a fever. Some additional symptoms may include vaginal secretions, vaginal bleeding, when urination pain, back pain, blood in stool and urine blood. These symptoms may indicate severe kidney disease and kidney conditions.

In the lower right abdomen pain

Diagnosis of abdominal pain can be quite difficult, because this pain for many reasons. The reason is probably not worth mentioning muscle inflammation or infection of the abdominal cavity is contained within the organ of. It can also be a significant disease or illness, life-threatening effects. Therefore, it is important to get the correct diagnosis is what causes any abdominal pain. The following are some of the common ownership of reason, cause abdominal pain in the right lower corner.

  • Constipation: constipation can be the cause of right lower abdominal pain, bowel is upset. Some cases can be corrected constipation and diet structure change, including high fiber food. A high volume of fluid intake, can also help reduce constipation events. Help break case, can be prescribed by a physician.
  • Appendicitis: appendicitis first appeared in the lower right sided abdominal pain around the navel navel and slight pain. Other symptoms, such as fever, vomiting and decreased appetite, will be accompanied by this case, it is a medical emergency.
  • Colorectal cancer: This is a rare type of cancer, which occurs mostly in the elderly has been from the right lower quadrant abdominal pain pain. Symptoms of altered bowel habit, weight loss and anorexia.
  • Ectopic pregnancy: the concept of abnormal, can take place in the embryo is in the womb, rather than the tube embedding. The condition is characterized by vaginal bleeding sever pain.
  • Hernia: right-sided hernias can trigger the right lower abdominal pain, if protrusive occur on the right side of the stomach wall. Symptoms are swelling in the abdomen, intestinal obstruction, gastric distension, vomiting.
  • Endometriosis: abdominal pain, also can cause uterine tissue outside the uterus in the presence of. These tissue growth, can be left or right tube, the first part of the large or ovary. For those suffering from this condition, the menstrual period can cause severe pain, lower abdominal region. There may also be a moderate swelling.
  • Kidney stones: this may cause unbearable right lower abdominal pain, when kidney or urinary stones. The pain may spread to the waist area, especially when the voiding need to set in.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease: This is because women are mostly by tilting to the right side of the uterus. This may trigger the persistent abdominal pain, especially after long time sitting in cramped position. Feel a slight have a fever, vaginal discharge and pain during sexual intercourse, can also appears as a result.
  • Mesenteric Lympadenitis: This is a frequent occurrence in children. In the abdominal pain is usually followed by the swollen glands in the neck and cold symptoms. The pain can move from one place to another. Symptoms also include in the lower right quadrant pain.
  • Guan Yan: This is the oviduct has a number of partners of a sexually active woman in common problems. When the tube is infection of the pain may from being infected with the outbreak, causing fever and pain during intercourse vaginal secretions.
  • Ulcerative colitis: This is the impact of colorectal cancer a disease. Symptoms are in a longer period of time. Some of the symptoms are weight loss, blood in the stool, right lower abdominal pain and perianal ulcer.

Right lower abdominal pain treatment

When pain occurs, it is important to monitor severity, pain intensity and pain duration changes. Should also observe whether there is pain in the circulation mode. Whether it is food, sneezing, long time sitting or a bowl of consumption of the operation, such as certain actions causing pain, should also be observed. Have a clear concept to describe the pain, the doctor will help in making the correct diagnosis, an antidote against the disease testing. According to the condition of the prognosis, various prescription drugs will be assigned. It may also have a certain life style and dietary structure change is the certain conditions, such as constipation, kidney calculi is proposed. In the worst case, may require intervention operation, correct the disorder or remove a certain part of the body, infection, rupture or need operation resection.

If you have a long time more than 12 hours or experience, sharp, unbearable pain, without a break, in the lower right abdominal pain, contact your doctor immediately can save your life, if the pain is due to a severe symptoms of disease.

Content source of Pain in Lower Right Abdomen.

i got this pain in my lower ab, and i can no longer pass gas. i sometimes experience sharp pain with sweating, but during the day i am too busy to notice, is it appendicitis?<br /> <br />
Health Life News